Socionomics, why your business should be online in 398 words

11.08.23 11:09 AM - Comment(s)
We all know there is a lot of mumbo jumbo out there and who really understands all the trends and statistics anyway? So in only 398 words allow us to explain something that really makes sense.

Internet Growth in South Africa
  • South Africa has a high mobile penetration with continued access towards smart phones and affordable data.
  • The growth in Facebook users (11.8 m in 2015) alone shows South Africans as a connected audience who wants to interact and converse about the products and brands they buy.
  • The South African Internet economy accounted for R59 billion in 2011 and is set to grow with 2.5 % in 2016.

Target Audience
  • Your target audience represents a middle-class clientele who are already online looking for immediacy and instant access to relevant products that will satisfy their needs.
  • No more retail or office hours – You can now market 24 hours a day and by driving traffic to your website. Online purchase decisions can even be made after hours.
  • You can target these users according to their age, interests, location and other demographics resulting in qualified buyers.
  • Your consumers are tired of traditional advertising methods that interrupt them through sales messages but are not engaging with them on a more personal level. So they tune out, making traditional advertising a costly marketing expense.

  • Your competitors are already online and reaping the benefits by selling to your target audience.
  • Examples of their current campaigns through Google AdWords, Facebook and YouTube shows they have built a loyal following and their online stores attract millions in traffic.

  • Consumers today require information that will add value to their lives.
  • So your campaigns cannot only compete on price and product specification, but you also have to sell your brand as a high-quality user experience.
  • You can create brand awareness and trust in your brand through good content.
  • Your target audience can also increase your visibility and sales through viral marketing and social sharing.
  • Your website should be optimised for mobile viewing so that audiences can access your content while they are on the move.

Return on investment
  • Compared to traditional advertising, your ROI is much higher since many online advertising models follow a pay-per-click model, which means you only pay upon engagement and the advertising is uniquely targeted to qualified buyers.
  • Online advertising is much more affordable and extremely measurable through free online tools.
  • Don’t be ignored, talk to us today about how we can get your business online in a cost-effective manner.
